Commerce and Business International
Training aims
The international trade specialty offers training focused on professional integration in the areas of international negotiation, purchasing and marketing. It is therefore essential, in addition to the fundamentals in the fields of commerce and management and marketing, to acquire a good command of languages, foreign cultures, law, political systems, international relations... In other words, to develop, in addition to a keen sense of the corporate and business world, an interest in the cultures, the different mentalities, which make up a globalized world.
Master of Science (MSC) program
The Master of Science is positioned at bac+4. The year is divided into 2 course periods and 1 internship period and writing of an internship dissertation.
MBA program (bac+5)
The MBA year is divided into 2 course periods and 1 internship period. The student becomes a professional building his expertise. This approach can be deepened in DBA.