Arts and Media
General Education in Arts and Media Program
Phase 1: “The fundamentals” (Unit 1, U2, U3)
Unit 1: “Artistic workshops / Workshop”
Unit 2: “The notion of French culture and cultural diversity”
Unit 3: “Languages and integration”
Phase 2: “Mastery and training” (U 4, U1 and U2)
Unit 4: ““Languages and interactions”
Unit 1: ““Artistic workshops / Workshop”
Unit 2: “The notion of French culture and cultural diversity”
Phase 3: "Deepening and professionalization" (U 5, U6 and U7)
Unit 5: “Artistic workshops / Workshop”
Unit 6: “Towards professionalization”
Unit 7: “Various artistic expressions and the art of speech”

Bachelor program
In accordance with the French standard, this program offered by the IPLME is established over 3 years.
Each year is divided into two course periods and an internship period validated by an internship report which must relate to a professional project already envisaged by the student. The teaching, on the one hand, is mainly structured around a common core in economics, social sciences and management; on the other hand, is dedicated to the mastery of new technologies of communication and analysis.