Luxury Management and Cultural Tourism
Training Overview
Focused on trade relations between France and China, this training "Management and marketing of luxury and fashion, art and cultural tourism", allows students to equip themselves with knowledge concerning the sectors of luxury, fashion, art and culture. At the same time, it gives a perception of international cultures, new market and potential customers in order to better analyze consumer preferences.
Under the direction of Mrs. Stéphanie Perrot, educational manager of Luxury Management at the IPLME, the courses are given by teachers, teacher-researchers and professionals. The pedagogy favors group work and highlights the autonomy of the students and an open perspective on the economic world.
The objective of this training is to make students able to create their own brand or to train future workers / leaders in related sectors (luxury, fashion, art and tourism).

Bachelor program
In accordance with the French standard, this program offered by the IPLME is established over 3 years. Each year is divided into two course periods and an internship period validated by an internship report which must relate to a professional project already envisaged by the student.
The teaching, on the one hand, is mainly structured around a common core in economics, social sciences and management; on the other hand, is dedicated to the fine understanding of the luxury market, fashion, art and cultural tourism.
- Know-how, savoir-vivre and traditions…
- What are its main features?
- How to evolve well in this environment by knowing the codes and uses?
Understand the product
Development, communication, marketing, approach to the public.
Practical courses
Product manufacturing process.
To highlight and diagnose the difficulties / problems encountered by students in learning and allow students to access this environment easily, IPLME offers a fun workshop whose themes are very varied (fashion, cosmetics, and hospitality, etc.) through a series of diversified activities, for example, the simulation of real cases and role-playing.
“GASTRONOMY” workshop
Through different themes (cooking, oenology, rules of know-how at the table, agriculture, marketing), this workshop aims to develop the capacity of appreciation to understand the challenges of tableware.